Thursday, June 10, 2010

Obsession for Jaguars

Er, um, I mean Obsession for Men. 

Well, it COULD be called Obsession for Jaguars. The signature Calvin Klein cologne is being used by biologists in Guatemala to attract jaguars in order to observe and track them. Really, it is.

"The method we are using to study the jaguars here in Guatemala is a non-invasive method which is based on photographing the individuals by using camera traps," Moreira told Reuters Television.
"It has been very useful using Obsession (for Men) to get the jaguars in front of these camera traps ... and that allows us to estimate with greater confidence the genders and the numbers that live in each studied site."
The big cats love of the scent was first discovered at the Bronx Zoo in New York where they wanted to capture their tigers on camera. The experiment was so successful that the cologne is now being used around the world to attract big cats. 

I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty cool. It's also a little scary.. that is, if you're a man (or with a man) wearing that cologne and you are at the zoo, a circus or in the jungle. In that case, you might end up seeing more of the big cat then you planned! 

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