Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I ♥ Big Brother

Yes, I mean the television show.

I have been a big fan of Big Brother since it's debut in 2000. A big fan. As a matter of fact, I'm such a big fan that I follow them on MySpace, Twitter and Facebook. I've had the live feed several times. I get upset if I miss a show. Very upset. These people are my friends after all. I don't want to miss anything they say or do.

Ok, maybe they have no clue who I am or would ever call me their friend, but I am a fan and I do become emotionally involved with each and every one of them during the season. Because of all of this, it should be no surprise to you that I became very excited while reading a story on People Magazine's website this morning.

Let me show you what caught my attention...

Big Brother’s Jeff & Jordan: Officially Together!

Yes! I totally adored them on the show and thought they would make a terrific couple in real life!

When asked if they were together, Jordan said "Yes we are!". Jeff told People "“I liked her on the show, that was obvious, but after the show ended I liked her even more. I get in trouble when I say that, because Jordan is like, ‘You didn’t like me on the show, and now you like me!?’ but what I mean is that I like her even more now that I see who she is outside of the BB house.”"

I am so excited!! I hope it works out for them.


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